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16 Funny But Possibly True Reasons Why People Become Entrepreneurs

  1. Can't have a Boss - It could be for so many reasons one of them being pride and the inability to take orders. There just are some people who feel suffocated when given orders, so, they opt to be their own bosses. 

2. Easily Bored - These ones,  a normal 9 to 5 job would bore them out of their minds. Such people need new and interesting challenges to keep them excited. 

3. Too Creative - Even in their sleep, new ideas emerge in form of dreams. Their minds are always working and superiors who can't use this talent might feel threatened and send them off or the creative person might just realize how awesome he/she is and decide to do their own thing. 

4. Too Impatient - We might be talking about persons 1, 2, and 3 here. 

5. With a criminal streak - This is scary but yes, who wants to employ a light finger? But it is said,  "Give a thief money to keep and it's sure to be kept safe". As an entrepreneur, a criminal can't steal from his/her self. 

6. Not too Educated - We all know Nigerian employers don't necessarily think out of the box and so may not give corporate chances to less educated people. So, to survive, they sell something or go into service delivery on their own. 

7. Too Educated - Here, employers tend to be scared as they feel they can't pay enough for high falutin degrees. Or, these ones realize their worth and decide to use it to increase their net worth. 

8. Has Nothing to Lose - (whispering) This could be a rich kid who has the soft landing of wealthy parents or a person at the last dregs of his life, making or not making it matters not. 

9. Resourceful - A problem solver. What more can we say, entrepreneurs are just people who solve problems for profit. 

10. Can't Keep a Job - Hard luck, perhaps, lazy or just plain inept, and so assumes business is the way to go. 

11. Can Sell Ice to Eskimos - An excellent sales person. They open their mouths and people buy stuff. At a point, they'll decide to do it for their own  benefit.

12. Wants Freedom Above All - These ones want their own time. Working for someone means their time isn't theirs. But having a business gives them the freedom to be and do anything.

13. Too Ambitious - Always climbing the corporate ladder, when he/she reaches the top, the next step is opening their own companies. 

14. Addicted to Risks - These ones enjoy the adrenaline rush in risk taking. It is their drug of choice, ergo, the addiction. 

15. Been through School of hard knocks - After years of suffering, there comes a certain realization that business pays. 

16. Has no option but to be an Entrepreneur - This could be any of the above mentioned. We certainly don't think a gun could be held to a person's head - "A business or your life!"

Wishing you an awesome week! 😘♥️


  1. Wonderful reasons! Beautiful read! Then, some could also have been groomed by business parents to take over the family business.

    1. True too! I hope to interview you for the blog soon. Cheers.


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