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Saturday Special...

Beedo Sauce

We had to make up a name for this one, so we landed at Beedo Sauce. Even our in-house chef and food scientist (since he's always experimenting) is yet to know the name of his creation.

It could have been Beef-Dodo, like it's gizzard contemporary is called Gizz-dodo, but hey, where's the fun in that?

Beedo Sauce sounds more exotic and well, it suits Saturday Special; it would make a delicious surprise to that special someone or persons you might be hosting this weekend.


As little as 2,000 naira can get you this beauty, it could be more or less, depending on the number of guests. 

Ripe plantain (preferably soft ones) 
Seasoning (he used Mom's Pride Beef super seasoning) 
Fresh Pepper  🌢 
Fresh tomatoes 
Fresh tatashe (optional)
Vegetable oil 
Beef stock 

And you're ready to rumble! 

  • Wash your meat, cut fat chonks, season minimally but enough to make it tasty and cook till done. 
  • While the meat cooks, peel, wash and chop your ripe plantain, sprinkle a bit of salt on it and keep. 
  • Peel the garlic, ginger, onions and wash them together with the fresh tomatoes and pepper, then blend 80% of the onions and pepper. The rest will be chopped. Boil the blended vegetables until water dries.
Boiled vegetable mix
Sliced onions/chopped pepper 

  • By now the beef is done, so, drain the stock into a separate bowl and chop the beef. 
Chopped beef

  • Heat up vegetable oil and fry the plantain, if it's gummy, then good. After that, fry the beef, and then transfer the used oil to the pot that will be used for the sauce. 
Fried plantain

Frying the plantain 

Frying the beef

Fried beef

  • Heat it up a bit, add curry/thyme to the oil  and fry the chopped onions/pepper for a few minutes,  then fry the blended and boiled vegetable mix, making sure the oil is a little more than the mix. Fry this for three to five minutes before adding the fried beef. 
  • A minute later, add the beef stock on intervals while stirring. It's looking a bit porridge at this point, so add a bit of seasoning, allow to cook a bit then add the fried plantain, it will be gummy, so you can separate with hands before putting it in the pot or scatter while you stir. 
Beef stock 

Sauce with beef


Sauce with beef, plantain and beef stock

  • Aroma is tantalizing compound people at this juncture, but you're stirring and tasting for salt and seasoning, while contemplating if you need to add more water. 
  • You can make your sauce thick for bread or shawarma fillings. Or, a bit loose for rice, yam or any other accompaniments.
Our Beedo Sauce to be used with rice.

And there you have it. Bon appetite! 

Our in-house chef and food scientist is Peter Bassey. He's a sports enthusiast, owns a football viewing center, dabbles in carpentry and just enjoys cooking experiments. 


  1. Hmmmmmm had absolutely no idea you guys made up a name for it. You never know what your hands can do until you actually use them, and believe me, sometimes it's just pure horror haha.

    1. Hahahaha. Pure horror you say?
      Twas a delight!
      I'm waiting for Praise's verdict after tonight.
      BEEDO is a goalπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜€

    2. Lol! We are glad you liked Beedo Sauce! πŸ€—


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