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WAR: New Book Alert

It was for survival at first, then the hope of revenge, but love herded it the whole time. for one man for innocence for humanity.

In 2030, the exponential escalation of crime clogged the prisons with criminals, both deserving and undeserving. The justice system, warped as ever, scraped off the death penalty, but now it needed a place to send heinous criminals…and so Marshland was created, male and female prisoners dumped on an island.
Laika gazed at the huge fence dividing Marshland from Nigeria, army men stood guard there, in addition to the vast, crocodile infested muddy water separating them; escape was impossible. She turned on the parapet to stare at the opposite side; the Cameroon Mountain could be seen at night in its lighted glory…Marshland Island stood between two quarrelling countries.
Their only communication with Nigeria was the lone warship that transported distress materials to them once in six months; barring that, Marshland prisoners were left to their devices.
Inhaling the morning air, Laika reminded herself that she wasn’t a criminal but an unfortunate victim of a warped system.
Laika swivelled to face the most handsome man she’d ever seen, as a free citizen or prisoner. Zuka always made her heart thump. Despite being the best fighter among the females in Marshland, Zuka, with just a glance, reduced her to a stuttering, eye batting female whose only urge was spreading her legs for him…it was pathetic; but she couldn’t help herself, not when he called her ‘babe’ in that deep, sexy voice.
If only Zuka was the governor - head prisoner who ruled and maintained law in Marshland, instead of the despicable Buga, Laika silently griped.
Zuka grinned, his black lips parting to reveal pearly white teeth. 
“Has your imaginations changed about Marshland creation?” Zuka asked, smiling at the chubby woman, who was almost as tall as his six feet; a woman that he’d have married if their paths had crossed differently, away from Marshland or if Buga hadn’t declared interest at making her his second ‘Marshland’ wife.
“Uh?” she stuttered; eyes wide.
Zuka chuckled, she was so adorable and that was despite the fact that she was lethal with any weapon or random object.
The dead martial master- former governor of Marshland, had trained both of them to be his lieutenants to police the prisoners. But Buga had secretly garnered a following of 680 prisoners out of the total number of 906, not counting children. They’d staged a coup, killing the martial master and automatically making Buga the governor.
Zuka moved closer to stand over her, silhouetting their figures in the rising sun.
Laika held herself back from flinging her arms over his shoulders; instead she licked her lips, hoping to control her sensual urges.
Zuka’s eyes darted to her plump lips, feeling the heat of desire rise to his throat, he badly wanted to kiss her; but even the walls were Buga’s spies.
“No…no, it hasn’t changed,” she replied.“The senate, faced with the overflow of prisons after abolishing the death penalty and the problem of crocodile infestation, killed two birds with one stone. They built a town in the middle of the marsh, fencing off the country and leaving a perfect island prison with hungry crocodiles.”
“Very hungry crocodiles,” Zuka joked and she chuckled, the small sound travelled warmly through his heart to his belly.
“And Buga uses them as capital punishment for detractors of his dictatorship,” she added.
“True; speaking of Buga, he wants to see you,” Zuka reported regrettably.
Those words remained a source of fear to her; fear that Buga would soon declare her his second ‘Marshland’ wife. Laika detested him for killing martial master, his misuse of Marshland resources and she’d have killed him but for his numerous guards.
It turned out Buga wanted her as an emissary to the senate, to plead for increase in Marshland resources.
So the warship made an august travel across the muddy water; hours later, she stood before Senate with several armed guards, as though she posed a threat to the senators.
Senate refused to increase Marshland funds because Nigeria prepared for eminent war.
While Laika waited to be led back to the warship, she eavesdropped on a whispered conversation- the Cameroon army planned to strike Nigeria through Marshland and the senate knew this plan but would do nothing to stop it; the Nigerian army would only defend the country after Marshland had been decimated.
The senate was once again killing birds with a stone. Ten year old Marshland didn’t just have criminals anymore, innocent children were involved.
Laika stoically stood on the deck of the warship as it returned her to Marshland. The only chance of survival was her capability to kill these armed men, commandeer the warship and transport almost a thousand prisoners from Marshland to safety, before daybreak - destruction day.
Slowly, taking deep breaths, Laika turned to the first armed man…war begun.

Hey, lovelies, to read the full book, visit to get from either Amazon or Okadabooks.
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